Each retreat is designed with purpose, intention, and vision. They are written to carry you through the Biblical content in a unified way, so you come away with greater understanding and insight . All content works well with both Discipleship and Restorative style retreats.
Perfectly Imperfect

Learn how to reclaim joy in the face of joy-stealers like fear, quarreling and bitterness. During this retreat we'll discover how we can live beyond these things and step into the broad, healing spaces God desires for us--spaces where we can grow, flourish, and become the joy-filled people of God He wants us to be. Step into greater trust, find healing in difficult relationships, and discover just how powerful forgiveness can be.

Everyone wants the abundant life, but do we know what that truly means? In our search for the abundant life, many of the wells we draw from simply cannot provide the type of abundance our souls truly thirst for. During our time together, we’ll consider what types of wells we are drawing from to find satisfaction, purpose and fulfillment, and how we can draw from a deeper well in order to live the abundant life Christ desires for us.

There are many "shiny" things in this world that captivate us and hold our attention. These things have a tendency to occupy most of our thoughts, energy, and focus. But what does it look like to be captivated by Christ? And how would being captivated by Him transform how we think and what we desire?
Perfectly Imperfect

Explore the lives, challenges, imperfections, and accomplishments of Rahab, Naomi, and Ruth. As you learn about the potential each of these women possessed, and how God strengthened and empowered them, you will be lead into a greater understanding of your own potential and God's great love for you, even in the midst of your own imperfections and difficulties.
Change the Storyline
Sometimes it can seem like our lives are headed in one unchangeable direction. During this retreat, we'll look at Esther and Jacob who both experienced a change in their seemingly unchangeable storylines. Learn how our God is the God of impossible endings.

This retreat is based on the repeated message of hope, grace, and the promise of restoration in the book of Ezekiel. "You shall know that I am the LORD." We'll take a deeper look at how God rebuilt, replanted, and resurrected a hopeless people. We'll also explore how this is true for our lives as well.
Session I: Restorer
Session II: Rediscovering Hope
Session III: Becoming a Sacrament

What do you want?
Is anything impossible for God?
Do you not see it?
There's something powerful about a good question. Each of these questions was asked of various men and women in Scripture, and each of them struck at the heart of their deepest longings and desires. How might exploring these questions for yourself open your eyes to something new?