Which Retreat Style is Right for Your Group?

On a discipleship retreat, you are taught spiritual truths through vibrant and engaging teaching. These retreats are three to four sessions in length with plenty of time for small group discussion and personal reflection questions. They are typically a Friday night through a Saturday afternoon, but a three-session retreat can also be done in one day if that’s all the time your group has.
I provide all teaching, electronic versions of handouts, media, and can help you develop the best schedule for your retreat. If you need additional help finding a worship leader or planning ice-breakers for your group, I am happy to help you with resources.


A restorative retreat contains the same vibrant, engaging teaching but also provides more time for silence, physical activity, rest, and reflection. Restorative retreats preferably contain an overnight element where participants stay on location together.
I provide all teaching, electronic versions of handouts, media, the suggested schedule, and will lead a time of guided postures to relax the body and clear the mind. A spacious indoor space is necessary, and outdoor space for walking and being in nature is preferred.